Missing Something in your Circle of Care ?

CompScripts will join the pieces for you.

Never miss an opportunity to increase the chances of your business growth.

For Pharmacies

Are You a Retail Pharmacy returning the compound prescriptions and loosing customer?

Are You a Compounding Pharmacy willing to increase prescription volume at your pharmacy?

Fill compound prescriptions Nationwide, let CompScripts market your pharmacy, increase the profit and cut the cost, just by signing up with CompScript at a no cost for Lifetime.

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For Prescribers

Do you practice or prescribe compound drugs?

Do you have a in-house or integrated compounding pharmacy with higher cost investments, i.e. manpower, higher drug cost, higher ingredient cost, compound machinery cost, ePrescribing portal cost, software cost, software monthly fee and other hidden costs?

Let CompScripts be your own free compounding pharmacy at no above mentioned costs as well as a free ePrescribing & Prescription delivery Portal at a no cost for lifetime with more than 100+ Pharmacies & Warehouses nationwide at a unbeatable drug cost for patients.

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About CompScripts

CompScripts is an appendage of Healthlink Solutions LLC. Investing a decade of innovations, Healthlink Solutions is a Leading Healthcare Software Provider across the country. As they say “an idea, just need a planning”, two enthusiastic and preeminent Pharmacists by profession, started this venture to ease the access of Compound Drugs for every single American.

This unbelievable decade of learning, research, development, designing, planning and implementation with an end result of enormous success starting from scratch, inspired us to join the pieces of Healthcare and make it available at a Patient’s doorstep. Healthlink Solutions recently introduced their first Masterpiece of Digital Health with the name of CompScripts - A Unique Compounding Solutions powered by AdvancedRX & AdvancedConnect. Healthlink Solutions is integrating Pharmacies and Prescribers with a Pharmacy Network of its own kind, having 100+ Distribution Centers nationwide. At CompScripts, engineers and innovators are continuously performing to give life to an idea. There is a lot more to introduce and much more to invent and produce, we are still testing and keep updating to avoid inaccuracy.

Our Mission

At CompScripts, Our Mission articulation follows essentially and obviously from our vision. We collaborate with medical care associations to unite Prescribers and Veterinary & Compounding Pharmacies utilizing creative innovations.

Our Vision

CompScripts will separate itself as an innovator in reclassifying medical care conveyance and will be perceived for the enthusiasm of its kin and accomplices.

Our Goal

We accept that together, we can accomplish incredible things. We need to be a business of decision. We need to be respected by our customers and network for being a genuine accomplice in the conveyance of value tolerant consideration with high Unique Compound medicine results.


Get In Touch

Have Questions ?
We are delighted to answer

eMail us today with your queries and debrief or call us at (727) 489-9887. We would be more than happy to answer and brief you about CompScripts. CompScripts will help set you apart from the Flock.

To book a Demonstration email us on: sales@healthlink-solutions.com
For Partnerships, kindly fill the signup form and one of our Strategic Partnership Expert will get in touch with you.

Call Us:(727) 489-9887
eMail :sales@healthlink-solutions.com